
Ease of Hajj Registration, Bank Sinarmas Sharia Business Unit Establishes Strategic Cooperation with Trihamas Finance Sy

Ease of Hajj Registration, Bank Sinarmas Sharia Business Unit Establishes Strategic Cooperation with Trihamas Finance Syariah

Jakarta — May 28th, 2021 — In order to make it easier for the public to register for the Hajj pilgrimage, Bank Sinarmas Sharia Business Unit signed a Cooperation Agreement with Trihamas Finance Syariah. As is known, in June 2020 the Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH) issued a statement that the number of Hajj registrants had decreased by 50% compared to the number of Hajj registrants in 2019 which reached 710 thousand pilgrims.

Departing from this condition, the collaboration between Bank Sinarmas Sharia Business Unit and Trihamas Finance Syariah is one solution so that people can immediately register for Hajj even though the economic situation is affected by the pandemic.

"This is in line with our goal of helping the community by offering various facilities to realize the intention to make Hajj and as a bank that receives deposits for Hajj travel costs set by BPKH, this good synergy is expected to increase the number of registration receipts for Hajj through the Siskohat service provided by Bank Sinarmas”, said Halim, Director of Bank Sinarmas Sharia Business Unit.

Imam T Saptono, Director of Trihamas Finance Syariah conveyed the readiness of Trihamas to serve the needs of the community in order to obtain a portion of the hajj through a network of Branch Offices where there are 21 Trihamas Branch offices, as well as an application which can be downloaded by the public to register themselves digitally in this Prohaj program.

This collaboration targets 4000 prospective pilgrims to be able to enjoy the Prohaj solution from Trihamas Finance Syariah and register through the Siskohat service which is owned by the Syariah Business Unit of Bank Sinarmas.

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