
Pay By Qr

An excellent feature for quick payment

Now, Bank Sinarmas Mobile Banking (SimobiPlus) has had a feature of Pay By QR which is a feature of payment method on the selected merchants by scanning the QR code.

If your SimobiPlus has not have the menu "Bayar Pakai QR / Pay by QR", please update your SimobiPlus application soon on Playstore (android) or App Store (iOS)

How to Transact Using the Pay By QR feature

  1. Make sure that your SimobiPlus application has had the menu "Bayar Pakai QR / Pay by QR". If your SimobiPlus application has not been updated:
  2. Log in to your SimobiPlus application
  3. Select the menu "Bayar Pakai QR / Pay by QR"
  4. Inform the cashier that the payment you want to conduct is using the Pay By QR feature
  5. Scan the QR code given the cashier
  6. Confirmation of payment transaction
  7. Enter your SimobiPlus PIN
  8. Enter OTP (One Time Password) code which is sent to your text message (especially iOS)
  9. Transaction completed
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