
Go-Pay Top Up of Bank Sinarmas

Go-Pay Top Up via ATM, Internet Banking, and Teller of Bank Sinarmas

For every transaction of Go-Pay Top Up at Bank Sinarmas, customers will be charged with an administration fee of IDR 2,000 per transaction with a minimum of Top Up as much as IDR10,000

Here is the guidance of Go-Pay Top Up:

  1. ATM :
    a.  Insert ATM Card, input the PIN, then select the menu "Pembayaran (Payment)" ATM 1
    b.  Select the menu "Berikutnya (Next)" ATM 2
    c.  Select "Bayar Lainnya (Other Payments)" ATM 3
    d.  Enter 6 digits of biller code continued with the subscriber number
    (Number of Cellphone registered at GoJek application).
    If the customer do not the Biller Code, select "Daftar Kode Biller (List of Biller Code)"
    ATM 4
    e.  See the Biller Code "GOPAY CUSTOMER" ATM 5
    f.  Enter 6 digits of biller code continued with the subscriber number
    (Number of Cellphone registered at GoJek application).
    then select "Benar (Correct)"
    ATM 6
    g.  Enter the nominal top up of Go-Pay then select "Benar (Correct)" ATM 7
    h.  Payment Confirmation / Inquiry, if correct, select "Yes" ATM 8
    i.  Transaction is successful. Receipt of GO-PAY / GO-JEK Payment Transaction is provided ATM 9

  2. Internet Banking :
    a.  Log in to Internet Banking IB 1
    b.  Select the menu “Pembayaran/Pembelian (Payment/Buy)” IB 2

    Select Category "Bayar Lainnya (Pay Other)" and select the
    Biller "Go-Pay Customer"
    IB 3
    d.  Select Account Number, Enter Customer’s number (Cellphone number listed on GoJek application)
    and Denomination, then click “Kirim (Sent)”
    IB 4
    e.  Confirm Transaction, then enter
    Simas Token/ SMS Token
    IB 5
    f.  Transaction completed IB 6

  3. Teller :
    1. The subscriber comes to the Teller officer at the branch office of Bank Sinarmas
    2. The subscriber informs the subscriber name (cellphone number registered at GoJek application) to the Bank Sinarmas Teller officer
    3. The subscriber informs the nominal top up of Go-Pay
    4. The Teller officer confirms the customer’s data before payment is conducted
    5. The Teller officer mentions the amount of money to be paid by the subscriber (nominal top up + administration fee of IDR2,000)
    6. The subscriber gives cash money amounted as mentioned by the Teller officer
    7. Teller makes a top up transaction
    8. Transaction completed. Teller give the top up evidence to the subscriber.

  4. SimobiPlus
Head Office Sinar Mas Land Plaza
Jl. M.H Thamrin kav 51,
Menara 1, Lantai 1 & 2,
Jakarta 10350 - Indonesia
Bank Sinarmas CARE 1500153
(021) 501 88888
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