Along with implementing financial inclusion in Indonesia, PT. Bank Sinarmas, Tbk (BSIM) Sharia Business Unit continues to be committed to encouraging sharia financial inclusion through digitalization, one of which is by using QR Code Indonesia Standard (QRIS) technology.
After the financial inclusion program that has been carried out in Jambi, this time the BSIM Sharia Business Unit has again strengthened financial inclusion in the city of Bandung, in collaboration with the Chair of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Antapani District (former Chairman of the Indonesian Mosque Council for the West Java region for the period 2003 to 2018 and is currently serving as deputy head of the legal and legislative bid) and also accompanied by the Chair of the Antapani Mosque Prosperity Council (DKM) Forum in Bandung City, Bank Sinarmas sharia business unit carries out mosque care activities by distributing Infaq to 25 mosques in the City and Regency of Bandung, using QRIS digital service. This activity was carried out on Monday (15/11) at the Al Hikmah Antapani Mosque, Antapani District.
Continuing to be committed to supporting the government's program to increase financial inclusion by 90% until 2024, for this reason, Bank Sinarmas Tbk Sharia Business Unit continues to educate the public by providing services through digital transactions so that it is easier for mosques to receive zakat, infaq, alms, and waqf. ZISWAF) through QRIS and through application-based digital financing, said Aldy Wicaksono as Regional Coordinator for the West Java Region of Bank Sinarmas Syariah.
The Chair of the DKM Forum in Antapani District as well as the Chair of the DKM of the Al Hikmah Antapani Mosque, Mr. Ir. H. Imam Haryono, MBAT expressed his gratitude and appreciation to Bank Sinarmas Syariah for the implementation of this activity, with this activity it is hoped that this activity can increase the relationship related to understanding about digital transactions to worshipers and of course can have a positive impact on mosque fund management, said Mr. Ir. H. Imam Haryono, MBAT
KH. Abdullah Abubakar, SH as the Chair of the MUI Antapani Sub-district as well as the MUI board of West Java Province expressed his gratitude to Bank Sinarmas Syariah for carrying out this activity, of course with this BSIM QRIS we were greatly helped in the financial processing of the mosque.
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