


Bank Sinarmas (BSIM) continues to innovate in developing its digital services, most recently providing priority services through the Simobiplus mobile banking application. In this digital priority service, users will get different rewards according to their member level; the higher the level, the more attractive the rewards will be. The reward is adjusted to the member level, which consists of 4 categories: silver, gold, platinum, and diamond. The difference in member levels is measured based on the total customer funds per month; the greater the total customer funds, the greater the benefits the customer will receive.

Silver members are customers with a total fund of up to IDR 20 million per month; Gold members are customers with a total fund of IDR 20 million to IDR 100 million per month; Platinum members are customers with a total fund of IDR 100 million to IDR 1 billion per month; and Diamond members are customers with a total fund of more than IDR 1 billion per month.

"So far, the priority services offered by other banks only apply to branch offices, but we see that customer behavior has changed because they are increasingly used to transacting using the mobile banking application and visiting branch offices less frequently, so customers are increasingly using these priority services." Consequently, as a form of our appreciation for our loyal customers, we launched a digital priority service so that customers can still get special benefits without having to go to a branch office," said Soejanto Soetjijo, Digital Director of Bank Sinarmas.

"In the early stages of launching this priority service, Diamond members will get a special discount of up to 50% for buying e-vouchers at SimobiPlus from various popular merchants, such as Tokopedia, Traveloka, Gojek, Grab, MAP, Starbucks, H&M, and many more. In addition, customers can enjoy flash sale promos, birthday gifts, free cash withdrawals, and free instant transfers between banks using BI Fast. After this, we will continue to add priority service features according to customer needs," continued Soejanto Soetjijo, Digital Director of Bank Sinarmas.

Frenky Tirtowijoyo, President Director of Bank Sinarmas, added, "We will continue to improve all benefits or facilities in line with future developments. Through this digital priority service, we will always innovate in improving digital banking services without forgetting service and appreciation for our loyal customers. We also hope that this service can continue to support customers' financial needs and lifestyles more easily through digital banking."

Frenky also added that by having the Simobiplus application, all banking transactions can be done through the palm of your hand, such as opening accounts and deposits online without the need to go to a branch office, applying for a credit card, paying bills or topping up, free instant transfers between banks using BI Fast, transfers of large amounts of funds with a limit of up to IDR 2 billion per day, and various discount promos and loyalty programs through Simas Points. Simply download the SimobiPlus application on the Play Store, App Store, or Huawei App Gallery and enjoy easy transactions.

To enjoy the benefits of this digital priority service, customers can increase their total funds, actively transaction, and ensure smooth credit or loans that have been made. For more information, it can be accessed via

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