


Banking institutions continue to provide various conveniences for financial transaction services. Bank Sinarmas (BSIM) is no exception, which continues to innovate and offer attractive programs in the midst of the new normal era.

Bank Sinarmas continues to be committed to developing its digital banking services, one of which is through its superior application in the form of Sinar Mas Mobile Banking, which is familiarly called SimobiPlus. With SimobiPlus, all Bank Sinarmas customers can carry out banking transactions with just the touch of a hand, such as opening accounts and deposits digitally, opening credit cards virtually, paying bills or top-ups, instant transfers free of charge up to Rp. 2 billion per day, and various discount promos and loyalty programs through Simas Points.

Along with the significant increase in the number of SimobiPlus users and transactions to date, BSIM appreciates loyal customers who use Simobi Plus digital services as high-value customers. Bank Sinarmas introduced the Customer Privilege program as a special priority service for SimobiPlus service users. Attractive and profitable offers are given to customers, which are divided into four segments, where the higher the level, the greater the benefits obtained.

"We carry out this program as BSIM's response to changes in the lifestyle of urban communities that are currently entering the digital banking era. Member segmentation in the Customer Privilege program consists of Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond. The benefits obtained by customer privilege customers are in the form of special discounts, flash sales, birthday gifts, free cash withdrawals, and free transfers to other banks, where there are different benefits for each segment. The bigger the customer's balance, the greater the benefit the customer will get," said Soejanto Soetjijo, Digital Director of Bank Sinarmas.

Segmentation differences are measured based on the average balance of savings per month. For the Silver segmentation, customers with a balance of up to Rp. 20 million per month; Gold is a customer with a balance of Rp. 20 - 100 million up to Rp. 100 million per month; Platinum is a customer with a balance of Rp. 100 million up to Rp. 1 Billion per month and for Diamonds with a balance above Rp. 1 Billion per month with benefits with special discounts up to 50% E-Vouchers and flash sales. 

Frenky Tirtowijoyo, President Director of Bank Sinarmas added, "To take part in this program is quite easy, just by opening a savings account or by increasing the BSIM savings balance for those who already have an account, increasing transactions, and maintaining average savings to get bigger rewards. Being a customer privilege of Bank Sinarmas, customers and potential customers can buy e-vouchers from various popular brands such as Tokopedia, Traveloka, Gojek, Grab, MAP, Starbucks, H&M and many more practically at various leading merchants in Indonesia. We will continue to improve all benefits/facilities in line with future developments. We also do not forget that we will always innovate in improving digital banking services, of course without forgetting service and appreciation for our loyal customers."

Head Office Sinar Mas Land Plaza
Jl. M.H Thamrin kav 51,
Menara 1, Lantai 1 & 2,
Jakarta 10350 - Indonesia
Bank Sinarmas CARE 1500153
(021) 501 88888
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