Tasikmalaya, March 31, 2022 Bank Sinarmas Sharia Business Unit (UUS) Tasikmalaya Branch supported by the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) of Tasikmalaya Regency successfully held the Symbolic Submission of QRIS Services and Savings Accounts to 100 Mosques in the Tasikmalaya Regency area. This event is a commitment of Bank Sinarmas UUS in supporting digitalization of payments (non-cash) in transactions for religious worship activities. The event was attended by Edi Ganda Permana, Chairman of the Tasikmalaya Branch of the Financial Services Authority and KH. Dede Saeful Anwar M, Pd, Chairman of DMI Tasikmalaya Regency with all the management of DMI Tasikmalaya Regency.
"In addition to encouraging the implementation of non-cash transactions, this can make it easier for Muslims to perform ZIS (Zakat, Infaq, and Alms) to mosques that have been registered with DMI. In fact, ZIS can be done without having to visit the mosque.” said Aldy Wicaksono, Head of the Coordinator of Bank Sinarmas UUS for the West Java region.
In addition to handing over Mosque Savings accounts along with QRIS to 100 mosques registered with DMI Tasikmalaya Regency, Bank Sinarmas UUS Tasikmalaya Branch on this occasion also handed over 300 Al-Qur'an Waqf to DMI Tasikmalaya Regency for further distribution to the registered mosques.
"Coinciding with the arrival of the Holy Month of Ramadan, it is hoped that the submission of the Al-Qur'an Waqf can be useful in supporting activities that will be carried out by mosques in Tasikmalaya Regency". Ubaidillah explained, Head of the UUS Tasikmalaya Bank Sinarmas branch.
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