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Dukung Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional, Bank Sinarmas Salurkan Kredit Usaha Rakyat

Jakarta - Rabu, 28 April 2021 telah dilaksanakan penandatanganan Perjanjian Kerjasama Pembiayaan antara Bank Sinarmas dengan Kementerian Koperasi dan Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (Kemenkop UKM) selaku Kuasa Pemberi Anggaran yang dihadiri oleh Teten Masduki selaku Menteri Koperasi dan Usaha Kecil Menengah Berlangsung di Ballroom Hotel Raffles, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan

Perjanjian Kerjasama Pembiayaan antara Kuasa Pemberi Anggaran dengan Penyalur KUR (Kredit Usaha Rakyat) menjadi salah satu persyaratan sebelum penyaluran KUR. Dalam hal penandatanganan ini dari pihak Bank Sinarmas diwakili oleh Miko Andidjaja selaku Direktur Bank Sinarmas dan didampingi oleh Muktiono Wibowo selaku Micro and Small Business Group Head Bank Sinarmas dan dilakukan secara bersama-sama dengan 41 Penyalur KUR lainnya dan 2 Perusahaan Penjamin KUR.

“Bank Sinarmas telah menjadi penyalur KUR sejak tahun 2015 sampai saat ini, dan telah memiliki sistem yang memadai dan terintegrasi secara host to host dengan Sistem Informasi Kredit Program (SIKP). Saat ini portofolio kredit UMKM Bank Sinarmas telah di dominasi kurang lebih sekitar 80% oleh KUR. Untuk tahun 2021 plafon tahunan penyaluran KUR Bank Sinarmas sebesar Rp1.250 Triliun,” ucap Muktiono Wibowo selaku Micro and Small Business Group Head Bank Sinarmas

“Melalui kerjasama ini diharapkan penyaluran KUR dapat mendorong Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional (PEN) terhadap pelaku UMKM di Indonesia pada era pandemi Covid-19. Sebagai wujud komitmen Bank Sinarmas kedepannya akan terus memaksimalkan penyaluran dengan memfokuskan ke sentra - sentra UMKM untuk mempercepat proses akusisi serta tetap melaksanakan pelatihan dan kegiatan sosial terhadap pelaku UMKM untuk bisa terus berkembang dalam melakukan usaha,” ucap Miko Andidjaja, direktur Bank Sinarmas.


Supporting National Economic Recovery, Bank Sinarmas Distributes People's Business Credit

Jakarta - Wednesday, April 28 th , 2021, The signing of a Financing Cooperation Agreement between Bank Sinarmas and the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (Kemenkop UKM) as the Budget Granting Authority which was attended by Teten Masduki as the Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises took place at the Raffles Hotel Ballroom, Kuningan, South Jakarta

The Financing Cooperation Agreement between the Budget Granting Authority and the KUR (People's Business Credit) Distributor is one of the requirements before the distribution of KUR. In the case of this signing, Bank Sinarmas was represented by Miko Andidjaja as Director of Bank Sinarmas and accompanied by Muktiono Wibowo as Micro and Small Business Group Head of Bank Sinarmas and carried out jointly with 41 other KUR Distributors and 2 KUR Guarantee Companies.

“Bank Sinarmas has been a KUR distributor since 2015 until now, and has had an adequate and integrated host-to-host system with the Program Credit Information System (SIKP). Currently, Bank Sinarmas' MSME loan portfolio has been dominated by approximately 80% by KUR. For 2021, the annual plafon for Bank Sinarmas KUR distribution is IDR 1,250 trillion," said Muktiono Wibowo as Micro and Small Business Group Head of Bank Sinarmas.

"Through this collaboration, it is hoped that the distribution of KUR can encourage National Economic Recovery (PEN) for MSME actors in Indonesia during the Covid-19 pandemic era. As a form of commitment, Bank Sinarmas in the future will continue to maximize distribution by focusing on MSME centers to accelerate the acquisition process and continue to carry out training and social activities for MSME actors to be able to continue to grow in doing business," said Miko Andidjaja, director of Bank Sinarmas.

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