In order to realize the "Kampus Merdeka" program initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, regarding the development of human resource competencies, especially students in Indonesia and strengthening sales power of banking products that are needed by society today, the Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation was signed by Halim as director of Bank Sinarmas Sharia Business Unit (UUS) with Abdul Ghofar, SE, MSi, MAcc, DBA as Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya took place at Universitas Brawijaya Malang on Tuesday, October 12, 2021.
Kampus Merdeka is a program that aims to accelerate innovation in the field of education through several learning activities, one of which is through an internship/work practice program in industry. The purpose of this collaboration is to support the implementation of an internship program specifically for the Department of Management - Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya, which will be known as the Internship Program - Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka ("MBKM Program").
In implementing the Kampus Merdeka, Bank Sinarmas UUS will cooperate with Brawijaya University as a State University, starting from curriculum preparation to program completion. Through the Kampus Merdeka, final year students are given 'independence' and the opportunity to take credits outside of College or outside the study program, then students can become part of an internship program or practical work at Bank Sinarmas UUS units.
The internship program at Bank Sinarmas UUS will last for 6 months and its activities will be equivalent to 20 credits. In the Kampus Merdeka program, Bank Sinarmas UUS contributes as a provider of internship opportunities in the generation industry to students whose scope is providing mentors for students, providing internship tools including projects to case studies to be completed by students during the internship process. Even at the end of the internship, engineering students are given the opportunity to take a competency certification test.
In his remarks, Halim as the director of Bank Sinarmas Sharia Business Unit revealed that related to the government's policy to develop the MBKM curriculum, this collaboration is very relevant and important. “The activities that will be carried out are aimed at advancing education and other aspects related to banking. Hopefully this collaboration can be sustainable and provide benefits for Brawijaya University students and partner universities so that Indonesian education will continue to develop," he said.
“This collaboration between the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya (FEB UB) and Bank Sinarmas has enormous benefits for institutions and for students. With this collaboration, FEB UB has partners who can help FEB UB develop student competencies in accordance with the needs of the world of work and industry. In addition, for long-term activities, FEB UB has a very good opportunity to collaborate with Bank Sinarmas for other activities such as research activities or business studies and community service. This certified MBKM internship is the first step to further increase the close interaction between universities and the world of work. Thus, FEB UB can produce graduates who are strong, relevant to the needs of the times, and ready to become leaders with a high national spirit." Said Abdul Ghofar, SE, MSi, MAcc as the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Brawijaya (FEB UB)
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