
Internet Banking

Internet Banking of Bank Sinarmas is a service that can provide ease and convenience for Bank Sinarmas customers in performing transaction, anywhere and anytime.

The Excellences of Bank Sinarmas’ Internet Banking

  1. Easy registration process at Bank Sinarmas ATM machine.
  2. User Name can be made in accordance with the customers’ needs.
  3. Secure at the same time easy, for financial transaction shall use an additional authentication that can be in the forms of Token Simaskey or Text Message Token.

Features of Internet Banking

  1. Information on Account
    • Information on Balance
    • Mutation of the last 10 transactions
    • Account Mutation
  2. Fund transfer
    • Bank Sinarmas Transfer
    • Transfer to Other Banks: SKN / RTGS / Real Time Online via ATM Network
    • Transfer to Uangku
  3. Connect / Disconnect
    • Connect / Disconnect
    • Information on Credit Card
    • Detail of Transaction
    • Detail of Bill
    • Block the Card
    • Change the Limit
    • Card Setting
  4. Information on Investment Products
    • Reksadana (Mutual Fund)
    • Bancassurance
  5. Bill Payment
    • IPL : (IPL BSD, IPL Grand Wisata, ITC BSD, ITC Depok, ITC Permata Hijau, ITC Surabaya, PPL Kota Wisata, BSD Junction, Ocean Park-BSD, Kota Bunga, Legenda Wisata Cibubur).
    • CHARITY : (Baznas Infaq & Shadaqah, Baznas Zakat, Buddha Tzu chi, IZI)
    • INSURANCE : (Asuransi Sinarmas dan BPJS Kesehatan)
    • TICKETING : (KAI, Lion Air, Sriwijaya Air Tiket, Sriwijaya Air Top Up)
    • MULTIFINANCE : (Mega Finance, MNC Finance, Kartu Kredit Bank Sinarmas)
    • INTERNET, TV, & MOVIE STREAMING : (First Media, Indovision/Okevision/Top Tv, Kvision Prepaid, My Republic Retail, Telkom Speedy, MNC PlayMedia, Skynindo, Genflix, WIFI.ID).
    • UTILITIES : (PAM AETRA JAKARTA, PAM Palyja, PDAM, PBB, Penerimaan Negara, PLN Prepaid, PLN Non Taglis, PLN Postpaid)
    • E-MONEY & E-COMMERCE : (Go-Pay Customer, Alfacart, LinkAja, OVO, ShopeePay, Paytren, Tokopedia)
    • TELCO : (Indosat Ooredoo Prepaid, Indosat Ooredoo Postpaid, Smartfren Postpaid, Smartfren Prepaid, Telkom Flexi, Telkom PSTN, Telkomsel Postpaid, Telkomsel Prepaid, Three Prepaid, Three Postpaid, XL/AXIS Postpaid, XL/AXIS Prepaid, Indosat Ooredoo Paket Data, Smartfren Paket Data, XL MDS, Pulsa Internet Telkomsel)
  6. Online Account Opening (Saving and Deposit)
  7. Online Sharia Account Opening (Saving and Deposit)
  8. History of Transaction
  9. Customer Service
    • Change Password
    • Connect / Disconnect
    • List of Transfer
    • List of Bill Payment
    • List of Autodebit
    • List of Autodebit Threshold
    • Notification Services of Text Message and Email
    • Online Account Closure
    • Information on Printed PLN/Electricity Token

Service Terms and Conditions

To enjoy the Internet Banking services, there are several terms and conditions that shall be considered as follows:

  1. Internet Banking Services of Bank Sinarmas can be used for individual customers of Bank Sinarmas.
  2. Before being able to use the Internet Banking services of Bank Sinarmas, customer shall perform registration and activation first.
  3. Customer shall keep confidential user name, password, and token code from Simaskey or Text Message Token.
  4. Customer shall change the Internet Banking Password of Bank Sinarmas at least once every 90 days.


    • Insert ATM Card, select menu “Lainnya (Other)”
    • Select menu "Registrasi Ibank (Registration of Ibank)"
    • Enter your ATM PIN
    • Enter your new Registration PIN
    • Reenter your new Registration PIN
    • Confirmation of success will be displayed on the screen
    • Registration is successful, take the registration evidence receipt and the ATM Card
    • Registration is successful, take the registration evidence receipt and the ATM Card
    • On the receipt, the printed activation code is: ACT-******************** (Example: ACT-1234567891234567891234)

    • Do activation via
    • Enter Username: ACT-******************** (Example: ACT-1234567891234567891234)
    • Enter Password: New registration PIN from ATM (6 digits)
    • Click Login
    • Enter an active e-mail according to the one registered in Bank Sinarmas’ system
    • Enter the cellphone number registered in Bank Sinarmas’ system
    • Click “Kirim (Send)”
    • Check your e-mail soon, then click hyperlink of Internet Banking activation on your e-mail
    • Enter the Text Message (SMS) Token sent to your cellphone number. If you have not received Text Message Token, you can click “Resend SMS” "
    • Click “Kirim (Send)”
    • Make your user name / login name as many as 8 up to 20 characters (combination of letters and numbers)
    • Make your password as many as 8 up to 20 characters (combination of letters and numbers)
    • Reenter your password
    • Click Activate
    • A confirmation screen will appear, click “Konfirmasi (Confirmation)”
    • “Sukses (Successful)” will be displayed on the screen, the customer can select “Tutup (Close)” or "Lakukan Transaksi (Perform Transaction)"


Types of Transaction

Limit of Transaction

Minimum/ Transaction

Maximum/ Transaction *)

Maximum/ Day

Transfer to the Customer’s Account Him/Herself


No Limit

No Limit

Transfer to the Bank Sinarmas account of Other Customers:




Transfer to Other Bank Accounts
  • via SKN
  • via RTGS
  • via ATM Network




*) Limit of transaction using OTP Text Message Authentication is IDR 500 Million / transaction


  1. What is meant by Internet Banking of Bank Sinarmas?
    Internet Banking service developed in order to provide ease and convenience for Bank Sinarmas’ customers in performing transaction, anywhere and anytime.

  2. Who can use Bank Sinarmas’ Internet Banking service?
    Bank Sinarmas Internet Banking can be used by all individual customers of Bank Sinarmas both conventional or sharia

  3. What should be done to be able to use Bank Sinarmas’ Internet Banking service?
    • Make sure to have Bank Sinarmas ATM Card
    • Conduct registration at Bank Sinarmas ATM machine
    • Access via browser either on computer, laptop or Smartphone
    • Conduct activation of Bank Sinarmas’ Internet Banking service

  4. What should be done after registration?
    Conduct activation of Bank Sinarmas’ Internet Banking service

  5. What should be done if Bank Sinarmas’ Internet Banking service is blocked because of incorrect PIN for three times successively?
    Customers can come to the nearby Bank Sinarmas ATM and reset the PIN on the menu “registrasi I-Bank (I-Bank registration)”.

  6. What is the account number that can be connected to the Bank Sinarmas Internet Banking?
    Customers can connect all of their account number to the Bank Sinarmas Internet Banking service.


  1. To perform a financial transaction via Bank Sinarmas Internet Banking, the customer shall use authentication in the form of OTP (One Time Password) Text Message or use Simaskey.
  2. Limit of transaction using OTP Text Message or Simaskey can be different.
  3. Customers can request Simaskey to the branch office where they open their account
  4. In relation to the new request or replacement for Simaskey because of being lost/broken, the customers will be charged with fee according to the applicable terms and policies.
  5. Simaskey will be blocked if there is a mistake in entering the number that will appear on Simaskey for 3 (three) times successively.


  1. Customers shall activate Simaskey first before use.
  2. Simaskey Activation can be done a day later after receiving Simaskey
  3. Simaskey Activation can be conducted using the following procedure:
    • Log in to Internet Banking
    • Select Menu “Layanan Nasabah (Customer Service) -> Aktivasi Token (Token Activation)”
    • Press the button on Simaskey -> enter 6 digits appeared on Simaskey, on the screen of Internet Banking
    • Activation Completed and Simaskey can be used
Head Office Sinar Mas Land Plaza
Jl. M.H Thamrin kav 51,
Menara 1, Lantai 1 & 2,
Jakarta 10350 - Indonesia
Bank Sinarmas CARE 1500153
(021) 501 88888
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